Finding Your Style

Model in water colorDo you know that it only takes 2 seconds to get judged by other people?

Within these 2 seconds of meeting you, the other person makes up their mind about your socioeconomic status, your educational level, your trustworthiness and desirability. They determine how intelligent, successful, and valuable you are for them, now and in the future. This is how society is. The Image you portray to them is the impression they have of you.

There are many definitions out there about Image and it ultimately comes down to this: Personal Image is how others perceive you. It’s a perception, an interpretation of the way you look, your physique, posture, what you wear, your hair, your grooming, etc. – all that before you have even opened your mouth to say a word. This interpretation of you will determine their comfort level about you and make them decide whether they want to listen to what you have to say or not.

So why would you care?

We live in a competitive world. It is critical to use your visual presentation as a strategy to improve your personal and professional life. It increases your self-awareness and confidence in the way others perceive you. Create your personal Image, your own Brand.

At My Brand New Image we help you define your personal Image and develop your personal Brand. We discover together how you want to be perceived by creating your personal style.

Beauty surrounds you from within. Let us bring to the outside how you are from the inside.

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