


For years I never really enjoyed shopping because I didn’t know how. I would buy items randomly that appealed to me just to find them unworn in my closet because I didn’t find a way to combine them. My clothing usually circled around 10-15 similar outfits I would wear over and over. I also didn’t see much sense in constantly running after the latest fashion and spend money on items I would discharge still in a useful and good condition for the next season. Going shopping with Elke was a very pleasant and uplifting experience. Her friendly and kind personality washed my nervousness away and replaced it with excitement.

While we were looking and picking different items I learned a lot about my body type and which style, colors, patterns forms and fabrics are bringing out and showing the best of me. I also learned how to build a wardrobe that can last and be used in multifunctional ways.

The experience with Elke was more to me than just having some more outfits in my closet to wear now. It started a whole process the next day which is still going on in the back of my mind every time it comes to clothing. I came to realize there is more to how we dress than just ‘looking good’ and the general idea which image we want to give etc. Deeper questions bubbled to the surface scratching topics like ‘self-value’, ‘transformation’, and ‘overcoming fear of showing myself outside’. Today I view the harmony we show in covering our bodies with cloth as a reflection of the harmony we carry inside. I am grateful to have met Elke and having the ability to experience her compassionate and loving work in supporting women to ‘stand tall in their right shoes’!

Christine Keppler, Certified Doula (www.emergebirthservices.com)


“As a self-employed professional who meets with influential executives on a regular basis I always knew of the importance being well dressed but never knew how. Before I met Elke, I disliked clothes shopping. I didn’t know what to look for and so I bought pants that were too short, suits that were too large, and tops that were too bulky. We started out with a wardrobe evaluation where Elke guided and taught me how clothes should fit and what to look for. She also taught me that clothes are there to emphasize the beauty of our body and hide the flaws. We sorted out a lot of clothes that did not fit properly and were outdated. When we went shopping together, we had a lot of fun. Many times she asked me to try on clothes that I would have overlooked just because they looked weird on the hanger. But once I put them on, I was amazed how they looked and how they fit. Elke just has a keen eye for what fits and suits well. She taught me about color, style and fit. Now I enjoy going shopping on my own because I know what to look for what suits me and my body well. I highly recommend any professional and individual who wants to feel good in business clothes as well as casual clothes, to consult with Elke. A one-time investment in her services will lead to long-term satisfaction and confidence in the years to come.”

 Iris Grimm, creator of the “Balanced Physician Programs” (www.balancedphysician.com)

Iris Before-After

“It was such a pleasure working with Elke. Before I met her, I bought clothes that would look great in the store but when I brought them home and wore them for an event, they would not satisfy me completely. After I did the ‘Body Type Analysis’ with Elke, she made me understand my body shape in a deeper way. When I go shopping now, I am loving it, my perspective has changed, and I look for just the right clothes that look great on my body. Elke helped me picking my outfits for my book-signing event at the ‘I Can Do It’ convention in Baltimore. It was a huge success, from jewelry, to dress to shoes. I got so many compliments, which was a big boost for me. Thank you Elke and you are awesome, very talented in the fashion world. I am looking forward to working with you again for my 3-day live holistic healing retreat next year.”

Sangita Patel, Global Holistic Practitioner (www.embraceyourinnerself.com)


“As men we often think we don’t need help and guidance when it comes to clothes shopping. Was I wrong! As a Personal Trainer and business owner in the Atlanta area I was engaged in personal appearances on local TV where I needed new outfits. When I consulted and shopped with Elke, I realized that I had outdated and bulky styles that didn’t fit me well at all. Now when I go out to meetings and events, people comment me on my fashion style. Shopping with Elke was eye-opening and I highly recommend her services to any individual who realizes the importance of image and style.”

Sloan, owner of “Get Fit with Sloan” (www.getfitwithsloan.com)


“For a long time I was in denial about my need for a wardrobe overhaul, so I was really pleased to reconnect with Elke and find out that she was helping people out with their image. It was a real eye opener going through my wadrobe. I knew it wasn’t great, but I didn’t realize just how bad and unflattering most of the things I was wearing were. It really helped to review in more detail different styles that would be more suitable to help to show my assests and mimize my ‘challenging’ areas. I had a lot of fun going shopping with Elke, as she was able to find pieces that I actually liked that I would never have thought to consider.
Not everyone is gifted with fashion sense, so it is fabulous to have someone in your corner who can find the best style to flatter you and help you look your best.”

Dr. Linda Rayner, The Energy MD (www.lightshamanhealing.com)


“If you have an upcoming event, perhaps a first date, just want to do something special for yourself? Elke is your lady to provide your style! I can personally attest because I put myself in her hands when I had a first date I was really excited about. I wanted to have a look that would make a lasting (and correct) impression, be comfortable, and was appropriate to the venue. I gave Elke my ideas for the outfit and my budget. We were under a ridiculous time constraint. We had less than two hours to try clothes on, put together the look and try to work within my modest budget. Not only did we put together a look I loved, we came in under budget with a few minutes to spare. I was amazed! We had a lot of laughs together but what really stands out for me is that Elke listened to what I wanted and I felt comfortable voicing concerns I had about my figure which in the past I have felt self-conscious about. She was confident in her suggestions, reassuring and wasn’t content until everything really worked for me. I absolutely recommend her services and will call on her again for her expertise. Not only did I get a second date, it’s five months later and we’re still together. The proof is in the pudding. Way to go Elke!”

Jennifer Burch, Surface Warfare Officer

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