Fashion Horoscope: Pisces

People who fall under the Pisces sign are hopeless romantics. They love love, and love falling in love. They are very helpful and supportive. When they have a friend in need, they usually stop what they are doing to run to their friends rescue. Pisces are naturally sensitive and avoid confrontation at all costs. They are very compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others. Pisces are known to be very mysterious and elusive. They like to keep their friends and loved ones guessing about their next move. They are creative; they are usually musicians, writers, and artists.

It’s very common to see a Pisces woman dress in pastel colors. They love Sea green, lavender, pink, and pastel blues. They are romantics and their clothes show it. They like to wear soft, delicate, feminine styles. When you think of Pisces fashion, think romantic and lovely. They wear a lot of dresses and skirts, and love to wear sexy open-toed heels. They love wearing free-flowing blouses and tunics that are less revealing, but still have lots of sex appeal. Pisces is all about the water sign. When you think of water, what color do you think of? The primary color is blue and blue is a signature color for the Pisces woman. She loves blue everything. From earrings to purses, and even shoes, the color blue is a must for the Pisces woman.

When the Pisces woman doesn’t feel like wearing a dress, she will wear a pair of skin tight jeans with a nice design print tank top and a pair of sexy red or black pumps. She can look sexy and sleek without wearing a dress.

When it comes to accessories for the Pisces woman, the possibilities are endless. She usually loves silver, gold and diamonds. For an everyday look, she will probably wear dangling earrings, with just a touch of color or a lot of blue.

She loves bangles and bracelets and knows that less is more. That’s why you will probably catch her wearing a one-of a- kind bangle or cuff.

Pisces -
Pisces –

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