Fashion Horoscope: Taurus

Taurus are independent, but not really leaders. They are not followers either, but would prefer sticking with themselves or within a small group of friends. They are stubborn and persistent in nature, and get the job done right. If you need someone to help with the particulars of a project, a Taurus is your sign. They pay attention to detail and are sometimes considered perfectionists.

These traits enable Taurus to be dependable and successful. They are good with business and finances. Taurus strives for success and reaching each goal they create. A Taurus is also very sensitive. They take things to heart and will easily become offended. They like to have things be consistent and do not do well with change.

In fashion, Taurus is all about the quality of the fabric and the classicness of the style. They enjoy high quality fabrics like velvet, corduroy, cashmere, silk and wool. Although they like quality clothing, they typically will never pay full prices. They are patient and will wait for a great sale. Clothes are tailored and well fitting, and they always pay attention to the fine details. They enjoy wearing accessories to complete an outfit and in particular, pieces that draw attention to their neckline.

They are rarely seen in fads, but much prefer a traditional and classic fashion style. Because the personality of Taurus is down to earth, their fashion style is consistent with that personality trait. Since they do not like change, they are fairly consistent with their fashion and tend to avoid the latest trend. They are not a sign that enjoys bold colors, but would rather wear neutral or earth tones.

Although Taurus are not much of hanging out in big crowds, they do enjoy spending a night out with those that are close to their heart. When they plan a night out, they make sure to look their best. From a well tailored suit to a high quality dress, Taurus know how to make a classic look appear outstanding. For a night out, Taurus women are often seen in a simple black or khaki skirt, paired with a light pink or blue ruffled blouse. The outfit is complete with a simple earring, such as a diamond or pearl stud and a delicate handbag. For a summer look, the shoes are usually an elegant sandal.

Taurus love to accessorize their throat and neck. You will often see a Taurus wearing a scarf or necklace that accents this area of the body. Similar to the clothing, the accessories are high quality and classic in style. It is not uncommon to see a Taurus wearing chains and chokers for accessories, and women typically go light on the earrings.

Fashion Horoscope: Taurus -
Fashion Horoscope: Taurus –
Oscar de la renta shirt / Alice Olivia sequin jacket / Burberry black pencil skirt / Giuseppe Zanotti real leather shoes / L K Bennett convertible purse  / Long white necklace / Rose jewelry  / Amanda Wakeley fringe scarve 

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