How to wear a Midi Skirt?

You may have seen them in the store last fall/winter and they are still in trend this spring/summer: Midi Skirts

So how do you style them? The trick is to keep your body in balance. Since the skirt ends somewhere between the bottom of your knee and your ankle, make sure it does not shorten the way you appear. Balance it out with tops that bring back the attention to your upper half to create a cohesive look. I will show you in style sets No. 1021 to No. 1026 how to do that.

How to wear Midi Skirts -
How to wear Midi Skirts –

Peachoo Krejberg brown midi skirt / Emanuel Ungaro black skirt / Shu Moriyama blue skirt / Rick Owens lilies skirt / STELLA McCARTNEY skirt / Rick Owens skirt

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