How to wear wide leg printed pants

Today I’d like to show you how to effortlessly wear wide leg printed pants so you can look like a bohemian beauty. And the good news is that these pants are as comfy as your PJs. Style them up with stilettos and blazer, style them down with a crop top and flat sandals.

How the wear them best: 
1) Pick a bold print. The point here is to make a statement, so don’t be afraid to choose something wacky!
2) Stick with a solid top. Don’t try to compete with the print in the pants, opt for something in a solid color up top.
3) Pair with a blazer. For an update to the office suit, add a blazer for a fresh and modern work look.
4) Try a crop top. For summer, try wearing a crop top for an ultra bohemian feel.

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